Wednesday 13 October 2010


Pucca is a media franchise created by South Korean company VOOZ. Pucca is also a Korean cartoon series. Pucca has gained popularity since its creation expecially at Asia and Europe. Pucca's cartoon and animations have been translated in English, Chinese, Spanish and German. In this cartoon, there is not much dialogue but they communicate with giggles, grunts, and other various sounds. The most popular place to access the Pucca Funny Love cartoon series is

Pucca is a young 11 years old Chinese girl that lives with her guardians and works in a noodle shop at a small village in the mountains in Sooga Village. She is in love with the 12 years old boy whose name Garu. He is a ninja. Pucca's love is unrequited and she often chases and kisses him. She will do anything to gain his affections, eventhough Garu doesn't return her feelings. Pucca and Garu traveling aroung the world through an enchanted board game. Their follow travelers include friends Abyo, Ching, Mio, Yani and Ssoso. Ching, Pucca's best friend, is in love with Garu's best friend, Abyo. Pucca has a cat named Yani who likes to flirt wiith other cats, especially with Garu's cat, Mio.